bossbadi api features fun and random endpoints, making it easy for developers to integrate more features into their own applications. Some features include image and text manipulation, random images, chatbot, music, and a content delivery network. The primary purpose of this api is to serve as the backend of the botbadi, one of my Discord bots.
Some endpoints are designed for use in applications, some are designed for use in the browser, and some are designed for both. For use in applications, the easiest way is to send a GET request to the endpoint you want to use. For example, if you want to use the invert endpoint, just send a GET request and pass in the required argument (in this case, the image url). Some endpoints also support POST requests, which are more secure and allow you to send more data. Currently, only content delivery network (CDN) endpoints require an api key, although this may change in the future.
The content delivery network (CDN) is a feature that allows you to temporarily store files on the server. In order to use this feature, you need to log in. After logging in, you can upload files and manage them in the web interface. You can also use the provided api key in your applications to manage your files.